Saturday 20 September 2014

Is There Any New Way To Clean Your Blood!

Is There Any New Way To Clean Your Blood!

Scientists Found New Way To Clean Your Blood!

Published on 18 Sep 2014
The spleen is an essential part of the human body, and scientists were able to create an artificial one that functions better and faster! Trace and Julian are here to discuss what this could mean for people with a variety of infections.

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Read More:
Artificial spleen cleans up blood
“Researchers have developed a high-tech method to rid the body of infections — even those caused by unknown pathogens.”

Artificial spleen to treat bloodstream infections: Sepsis therapeutic device under development
“Scientists are developing blood-cleansing technology.”

‘Artificial spleen’ could help treat sepsis
“Its victims include the actor Christopher Reeve, Pope John Paul II, and the British poet Rupert Brooke, who died after a mosquito bite on his lip became infected.”

Blood-Cleaning “Artificial Spleen” Technology Could Increase Survival Odds For Future Sepsis Patients
“Sepsis—a life-threatening over-reaction by the immune system to infection—afflicts 18 million people a year worldwide and kills between 30 and 50 percent of them.”

Scientists Develop Blood-Cleansing Artificial Spleen
“Researchers from Harvard’s Wyss Institute have developed a spleen-inspired device capable of rapidly filtering out pathogenic organisms and deadly toxins from the blood of patients.”

“The spleen is an organ found in virtually all vertebrates. Similar in structure to a large lymph node, it acts primarily as a blood filter.”



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