Tuesday 7 October 2014

Do Black Holes Even Exist?

Do Black Holes Even Exist?

Do Black Holes Even Exist?

Published on 6 Oct 2014
Scientists have long debated the existence of black holes. Do they really exist? Amy joins DNews to discuss.

Follow Amy on Twitter: https://twitter.com/astVintageSpace
Check out Amy’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/vintagespace

Read More:
This Physicist Says She Has Proof Black Holes Simply Don’t Exist
“Scientists have lots of bizarre theories about black holes. Black holes gobble up everything that gets too close, even light. They can cause time to slow. They contain entire universes.”

Back-reaction of the Hawking radiation flux on gravitationally collapsing star II: Fireworks instead of firewalls
“A star collapsing gravitationally into a black hole emits a flux of radiation, knowns as Hawking radiation.”


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