Tuesday 26 August 2014

How To Know That Your Kids Are Geniuses!

How To Know That Your Kids Are Geniuses!

Kids Who Draw Well Are Geniuses!

Published on 26 Aug 2014
Can something as simple as a drawing made by a child predict their intelligence? Tara and Trace are here to report on a new study that says just that! And also Is Your Kid is Well At drawing Make sure they are that will help you to know more about them they are your kids Help them in there Drawings.

Read More:
Children’s drawings indicate later intelligence
“How 4-year old children draw pictures of a child is an indicator of intelligence at age 14, according to a study by the Institute of Psychiatry at King’s College London, published today in Psychological Science.”

Genes Influence Young Children’s Human Figure Drawings and Their Association With Intelligence a Decade Later
“Drawing is ancient; it is the only childhood cognitive behavior for which there is any direct evidence from the Upper Paleolithic.”


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