Don't Have A Job Better You Get A Job Before Robots Take It
Humans Need Not Apply
Published on 13 Aug 2014
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This has already happened with chess for example. Chess robots have advanced so much that they are considerably better than any human, but people still compete and people still watch and chess is still a thing. Competition will still exist and so will the entertainment value attached to it.
In the same sense, recordings of music will always be the same and will always be "perfect", yet people go to concerts and listen to music live, for exactly the opposite reason. Live performances are always different and always special, so they will never go away.
Robots will be able to reproduce creative process and probably eventually even surpass human capability, but it shouldn't matter, because you are impressed by other people's skill because it was developed through hard work and you appreciate it.
Seeing a bot do something perfectly is initially impressive for the novelty, but once it's commonplace, it won't be entertaining anymore. Seeing humans compete and create and constantly push boundaries will never get old (I hope).
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