Sunday 14 September 2014

Leaked Video Of Windows9

Leaked Video Of Windows9

Windows9 Leaked Video By HostGuns

Published on 14 Sep 2014
Windows9 Leaked Video

New Windows 9 Video Which Was Live in youtube
The video above gives a very good idea of the changes in the Start Menu in the upcoming Windows 9 release. It seems to have taken the good parts from Windows 7 and Windows 8 to give us new hybrid start menu. Apart from the regular list of apps on the left pane, you also have the Live Tile interface on the right hand side. The account details are on top of the left hand pane and you have a dedicated power button to activate restart / shutdown / sleep modes.
You can right click on the applications in the left pane and pin them to right hand side as a live tile. Just like you would on Windows 8/8.1, you can also resize the live tiles and move them around. As you pin more apps on the right hand pane, the size dynamically increases.


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