Tuesday 16 September 2014

What Is A Plants Can Grow Without Rain!

What Is A Plants Can Grow Without Rain!

The Unbelievable Way Plants Can Grow Without Rain!

Published on 16 Sep 2014
If you could add something to your food crops to make it live healthier and longer, would you do it? Trace is here to explain how adding a fungus to a plant can help it live through a drought!

Read More:
Want Your Crops To Survive Extreme Heat and Drought? Add Fungus
“The global population continues to grow, and climate change is already tangibly reducing food harvests. Can agriculture adapt to be both more productive and more resilient?”

Food fuelled with fungi
“With the planet’s population booming and climate change threatening traditional ‘bread-basket’ regions, researchers are seeking ways to squeeze more food from the land.”

Fungus Could Be the Key to Avoiding a Global Food Crisis
“According to a United Nations report, climate change is poised to decimate the global food supply, with agricultural production expected to decline as much as 2 percent each decade for the rest of this century.”


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